Understanding io.Copy in Go: File Positions and Efficient Data Transfer

In the world of Go programming, efficient file operations are crucial for developing robust applications. One of the most commonly used functions for file manipulation is io.Copy. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into how io.Copy works, with a particular focus on its effect on file positions and its role in streamlined data transfer.

What is io.Copy?

io.Copy is a powerful function in Go’s standard library that copies from a source (src) to a destination (dst). It’s designed to be simple yet efficient, handling the intricacies of reading and writing data so you don’t have to.

The function signature is straightforward:

func Copy(dst Writer, src Reader) (written int64, err error)

File Positions and io.Copy

One of the key behaviors of io.Copy that often catches developers by surprise is how it handles file positions, especially for the destination file. Let’s break it down:

  1. Destination File Position: io.Copy updates the file position of the destination as it writes. After the operation, the file position will be at the end of the written data.
  2. Source File Position: Interestingly, io.Copy does not alter the position of the source file. It reads from the current position but doesn’t modify it.

Demonstrating io.Copy’s Behavior

Let’s look at a practical example to illustrate how io.Copy affects file positions:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create and write to source file
    srcFile, _ := os.Create("source.txt")
    defer srcFile.Close()
    srcFile.WriteString("Hello, World!")
    srcFile.Seek(0, 0) // Reset to beginning

    // Create destination file
    dstFile, _ := os.Create("destination.txt")
    defer dstFile.Close()

    // Perform the copy
    io.Copy(dstFile, srcFile)

    // Check destination file position
    pos, _ := dstFile.Seek(0, 1) // Get current position
    fmt.Printf("Destination file position after copy: %d\n", pos)


Destination file position after copy: 13

Running this program will show that the destination file’s position is at 13 bytes – the exact length of “Hello, World!”. This confirms that io.Copy has indeed updated the file position as it wrote the data.

Practical Implications

Understanding this behavior has several practical implications:

  1. Appending Data: After using io.Copy, you can continue writing to the destination file, and the new data will be appended.
  2. Reading After Copying: If you need to read the destination file after copying, remember to reset the file position using file.Seek(0, 0).
  3. Efficiency: io.Copy is optimized for performance. It uses a buffer to read and write data in chunks, making it efficient for large files.


io.Copy is a powerful tool in Go’s arsenal for file operations. By understanding its behavior, particularly how it affects file positions, you can use it more effectively in your Go programs. Whether you’re building a file transfer utility, a backup system, or any application that deals with data movement, mastering io.Copy will serve you well in creating efficient and robust solutions.

Remember, while io.Copy simplifies the process of data transfer, it’s always crucial to handle errors and edge cases in your production code. Happy coding!

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