The Power of Struct Tags in Go

As a Go developer, I’ve come to appreciate the subtle yet powerful features that make this language stand out. Today, I want to dive deep into one such feature that often flies under the radar but packs a punch when it comes to writing clean, flexible, and maintainable code: struct tags.

What Are Struct Tags?

At their core, struct tags in Go are simple string literals attached to struct fields. They’re ignored by the compiler but can be accessed at runtime through reflection. This seemingly innocuous feature opens up a world of possibilities for metadata-driven programming.

type User struct {
    ID        int    `json:"id" db:"user_id"`
    Username  string `json:"username" validate:"required,min=3"`
    Email     string `json:"email" validate:"required,email"`

In this example, we’ve adorned our User struct with various tags. But what do they do, and why should you care?

The Power of Metadata

Struct tags allow us to embed metadata directly into our code. This metadata can then be leveraged by libraries and frameworks to automate tedious tasks, enforce conventions, and extend functionality without cluttering our core logic.

1. Serialization Magic

One of the most common uses of struct tags is controlling serialization. The encoding/json package in the standard library is a prime example:


With a single line of code, we can convert our User struct to a JSON string, with field names matching our json tags. No need for manual mapping or maintaining separate serialization logic.

2. ORM Simplicity

When working with databases, struct tags shine. Libraries like GORM use them to map struct fields to database columns, specify relationships, and more:

type Product struct {
    Code  string `gorm:"index:idx_code,unique"`
    Price uint   `gorm:"check:price > 0"`

Here, we’ve defined a unique index and a check constraint, all through struct tags. This declarative approach keeps our database schema tightly coupled with our Go structs, reducing the chance of inconsistencies.

3. Validation Made Easy

Input validation is a critical part of any application. With libraries like go-playground/validator, we can define validation rules right in our struct definitions:

type SignupRequest struct {
    Username string `validate:"required,min=3,max=20"`
    Email    string `validate:"required,email"`
    Age      int    `validate:"gte=18,lte=120"`

A single function call can now validate our entire struct, with clear, declarative rules.

Beyond the Basics: Custom Tags

The real power of struct tags lies in their extensibility. As developers, we’re not limited to predefined tags. We can create our own tag semantics to suit our specific needs.

type ConfigField struct {
    Name     string `config:"name" default:"unnamed"`
    Priority int    `config:"priority" default:"5"`

We could then write a custom configuration loader that uses these tags to populate our structs from various sources, applying default values where necessary.

Beyond the Basics: Custom Tags

The real power of struct tags lies in their extensibility. As developers, we’re not limited to predefined tags. We can create our own tag semantics to suit our specific needs.

type ConfigField struct {
    Name     string `config:"name" default:"unnamed"`
    Priority int    `config:"priority" default:"5"`

We could then write a custom configuration loader that uses these tags to populate our structs from various sources, applying default values where necessary.

Accessing Custom Tags with Reflection

Understanding how to access these custom tags using reflection is crucial for implementing your own tag-based functionality. Let’s dive into an example:

package main

import (

type Server struct {
    Host    string `config:"host" default:"localhost"`
    Port    int    `config:"port" default:"8080"`
    Timeout int    `config:"timeout" default:"30"`

func getConfigTag(field reflect.StructField) (string, string) {
    tag := field.Tag.Get("config")
    if tag == "" {
        return "", ""

    defaultValue := field.Tag.Get("default")
    return tag, defaultValue

func main() {
    s := Server{}
    t := reflect.TypeOf(s)

    for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
        field := t.Field(i)
        configName, defaultValue := getConfigTag(field)
        fmt.Printf("Field: %s, Config Name: %s, Default Value: %s\n", 
                   field.Name, configName, defaultValue)

In this example:

  1. We define a Server struct with custom config and default tags.
  2. The getConfigTag function uses reflection to extract the values of our custom tags for a given struct field.
  3. In the main function, we iterate over all fields of the Server struct using reflection.
  4. For each field, we print out its name, the config tag value, and the default tag value.

When you run this program, you’ll see output like this:

Field: Host, Config Name: host, Default Value: localhost
Field: Port, Config Name: port, Default Value: 8080
Field: Timeout, Config Name: timeout, Default Value: 30

This demonstration shows how you can access and utilize custom struct tags in your own code. With this technique, you could build powerful configuration systems, validation frameworks, or any other functionality that benefits from declarative metadata in your structs.

Remember, while reflection is powerful, it does come with a performance cost. In performance-critical sections of your code, you might want to consider code generation techniques that can leverage struct tags at compile-time instead of runtime.

Performance Considerations

While struct tags are incredibly useful, it’s important to remember that accessing them requires reflection, which comes with a performance cost. In performance-critical paths, it’s often better to use struct tags to generate code at compile-time (e.g., with go generate) rather than relying on runtime reflection.


Struct tags in Go are a testament to the language’s philosophy of simplicity and expressiveness. They allow us to write self-documenting code that’s both flexible and maintainable. By leveraging struct tags effectively, we can create APIs that are a joy to use, automate repetitive tasks, and build systems that are easy to extend and modify.

As with any powerful tool, the key is to use struct tags judiciously. When applied thoughtfully, they can significantly enhance the clarity and functionality of your Go programs. So the next time you’re designing a new struct, consider how struct tags might make your life—and the lives of your fellow developers—a little bit easier.

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